Resources for Planning your Elders Climate Court Trial
Information about climate change
- National Geographic, Causes and Effects of Climate Change
- 3 minute IPCC video about the effects of climate change
- 9 minute vimeo of an IPCC summary for policy makers, on land use
- 11 minute video of United Nations Secretary General António Guterres on climate change, September 23, 2019
- 7 minute video, “The Girl Who Changed the World” (Severn Suzuki, 12 years old, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, spoke to the United Nations in 1992)
- Severn Suzuki’s message in 2020, 28 years after her UN speech
- 6 minute video, “Dear Future Generations: Sorry.”
The climate crisis and human rights
- Safe Climate: A Report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment (2019)
- Environmental Rule of Law, First Global Report, 2019, Section 4, “Rights,” pp 137-82
- Report on Human Rights and Climate Change, UNEP, 2015
- Understanding Human Rights and Climate Change, UNHCHR 2015
- United Nations Toolkit on the Right to Health
- Declaration on Human Rights and Climate Change, Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and the Environment
- Bridget Lewis, Environmental Human Rights and Climate Change: Current Status and Future Prospects, Springer, 2018
- Bearing Witness: The human rights case against fracking and climate change, Thomas A Kerns and Kathleen Dean Moore (Editors), Oregon State University Press, 2021
- Book reviews of Bearing Witness
- Youth Climate Courts: How You Can Host a Human Rights Trial for People and Planet, Thomas A Kerns, Routledge, 2022
- Audio clip: "Dear Reader"
- Audio clip: "Introduction"
- Chapter 1 How does aYouth Climate Court work?
- Chapter 2 What are human rights?
- Chapter 3 Which specific human rights?
- Audio clip: "Coda: Youth interventions for an addicted world"
- Appendices
- Most human righs documents relevant to Youth Climate Courts can be seen in the Human Rights documents library at Environment and Human Rights Advisory
Background on human rights and the environment
- Ten practical advantages of a human rights approach to environmental advocacy
- Schopenhauer’s Mitleid, Environmental Outrage and Human Rights
- “Law At The Intersection of Human Rights and The Environment” (21 April 2020)
- “Human Rights Strategies in Climate Change Litigation” (8 June 2020)
- Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Session on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change
- Final Advisory Opinion of the Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Session on Human Rights, Fracking and Climate Change
Selecting witnesses for your case
- more to come
Finding evidence in your area
- more to come
About Climate Action Plans
- more to come
Zoom backgrounds
- If you're planning an online Youth Climate Court trial using Zoom, your team will want to have a courtroom-like Zoom background on your screen during the trial. A google search for "zoom courtroom backgrounds" will turn up many options, each with its own advantages or disadvantages. This courtroom background seems one of the better options for you to download, put in your Zoom folder and use during your Youth Climate Court trial.